How Friendship is Different from Relationship

Individuals can have different types of relationships with other members of society, which can be business, classmates, love, friendship, among others.

The degree to which the degree of relationship varies from one aspect to another.

Many people confuse relationship with friendship, mistaking that the two terms are synonymous. What they don't understand is that there are many differences between friendship and relationship.

This article expands on the differences between the two words by explaining when each word is used appropriately.

What is Relationship

Relationship is a general term used to express all kinds of relationships between different people. Some examples of relationships between different stakeholders include love, friendship, family, marriage, and colleagues.

One of the most important aspects to consider is that a relationship can be legal or voluntary.

What is Friendship

Friendship refers to a type of relationship between different people who care and freely share both positive and negative news.

Friendships are generally based on honesty, trustworthiness, loyalty, commitment, and unconditional goodwill, among other things.

Difference between friendship and relationship.

1) Forms of existence in friendship and relationships

Difference between relationship and friendship

One of the main differences between friendship and relationship is the way they are established. The relationship is based on two types which include the natural form and the intended form.

There are people who are associated with natural ways like family members. Furthermore, through mindful form, one can form relationships that may include friendship, marriage, and co-workers.

This is not the same as friendship because it is based on only one way, namely a deliberate way. This means that people choose to be friends but are not naturally forced to be friends.

2) Legal aspects of friendship and relationships

The legal aspect is in a relationship but not in a friendship. In the event of a dispute between business partners, family members or marriage, judicial intervention may be sought to resolve the dispute while allowing the law to uphold the values ​​of the law.

This explains why there are written documents on different types of relationships, such as marriage, business partners, and employee-employer relationships. The relationship is based on contractual or legal bases and not on emotional attraction.

On the other hand, there is no legal element and you cannot intervene in disputes between friends. It is important that the community understands that the mutual agreement in terms of friendship cannot be challenged by law.

3) Win-Lose/Lose-Win/Win

Friendship always better than relationship

Obviously, relationships between different individuals and friendships between people depend primarily on the sacrifice of individual goals to help others achieve their goals.

In most relationships, the level of sacrifice is higher, so there will always be a loser and a winner. This means that one has to sacrifice the highest while the other enjoys the fruit.

This shouldn't happen in friendships because all parties in a relationship work to make sure everyone feels comfortable and well-cared for by the union.

This means that while some nations make sacrifices to help other nations, a win-win situation appears to win when friends share the same strengths and benefits.

4) Openness in friendship and relationships.

The degree of openness to emotions and feelings usually varies from friendship to a relationship between two people.

The rate at which people share their feelings and emotions in various aspects of friendship appears to be higher than the rate at which people share their feelings and emotions in a relationship.

A person tends to share views about the organization and its management with friends, but it is difficult for an employee to tell an agency manager how he feels about the direction of the company.

However, there are exceptions for certain types of relationships, such as love and marriage, where people share their emotions and feelings with a high degree of openness.

5) Termination

Difference between relationship and friendship

Another important factor that differentiates a relationship from a friendship is the ending process.

It is very easy to end a friendship, but very difficult and associated with breaking up. The friendship has no legal basis and one joins voluntarily.

This means that there is no legal aspect to the termination process and the person leaves voluntarily and ends the friendship.

However, some forms of relationships cannot be ended. For example, a person cannot end the relationship between him and her sister, nor can a mother end the relationship with her children.

Also, other forms of relationships require legal intervention to end them. For example, a relationship between business partners can only be legally terminated.


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